Knowing what needs to change is not enough.

We all know that simply knowing what we should be doing is not enough...

If you can relate, consider joining my next Healthy Habits for Life™ class. I'll be guiding a small group (1-10) online through a powerful experience creating habits supporting your body, mind, and spirit. Finally, you don't have to figure this out on your own! We will approach change with curiosity and kindness... without judgment. You've never done it like this before. This course is taught fortnightly, giving you plenty of time to learn and implement.

Healthy Habits for Life costs: Was $249. Winter 2024 Special 50% off now $124.50 until 31st December 2024


Week 1 – Steps to creating and building good habits; What is a Healthy Habit & why do we have them? We will be learning ways to change from “Doing” mode to “Being” mode.

Week 2 – Hydration; It is possible to survive for weeks without food, but only days without water. Why is water so important?

Week 3 – Sleep; Good sleep - in quality and quantity - is equal in importance to movement and hydration. We know this, and yet today people are more sleep-deprived than ever. What’s going on?

Week 4 – Movement; The benefits of movement are exponential and often build one upon another. Sometimes just a small step in the right direction can have a profound effect on the body, mind, emotions and spirit.

Week 5 – Time (Part 1); Have you ever noticed how many words we use that are associated with Time? Spend, borrow, steal, waste, use wisely… the list goes on and on. Why is that?

Week 6 – Time (Part 2); Building Healthy Habits Worksheet. Now it's time for you to decide on a new habit you want to work on, based on what your "Time Detective" homework revealed.


The health, fitness, and nutrition information on this website is designed for educational and resource purposes only. This information is not a substitute for, nor a replacement of, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, and before starting any fitness or nutrition program you should consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Read the full disclaimer here