The aim of Functional Nutrition is to assess your signs and symptoms and guide you to regain your health and vitality. Identifying and addressing the root causes of your dis-ease, eliminating stressors, and supporting and strengthening your body’s five foundations. Working with your body's innate intelligence to bring itself back into balance.


    A range of skills are used through functional nutrition therapy and lab testing to identify the core issues of your signs and symptoms. Starting with a review of your health history combined with a nutritional assessment and a food, mood and poop journal. Testing includes the GI-MAP - gut health and the ALCAT for food intolerance and sensitivities.


    The focus is you and your health goals. Together, we deep dive to help you work through the barriers and formulate a bio-individual plan to achieve those goals. Learn how your body works and practical strategies to nourish, cleanse and balance your body.

Discovery Call

Hello, I’m Elizabeth Zanetti, a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP), and Gut Health Restorative Wellness Practitioner (RWS). I believe that support from others makes any journey easier and more enjoyable.

I offer a free 15-minute consultation. During this call, we will discuss your primary health concerns, the goals you would like to achieve to better your health, and what it means for you to be the healthiest version of yourself.

This free call is without obligation. It lets us discuss whether my services suit your goals. I look forward to connecting with you!

No personalized nutritional advice is provided during this free consultation. 

What is Functional Nutrition?

Functional Nutritionists are trained to assess client symptoms, discomforts, and goals, identify nutritional strengths and deficiencies, recommend dietary and lifestyle changes and nutritional supplements where needed (no medical diagnoses or prescriptions), and collaboratively develop a plan of action to support optimal health.

The FNTP and RWS aim to encourage clients to become knowledgeable about and be in control of achieving holistic optimal health. By supporting and bringing balance to the five foundations, which are • Digestion, • Blood Sugar Regulation, • Fatty Acid Balance, • Mineral Balance, • Hydration. All five are built upon a single, solid base: a properly prepared, nutrient-dense diet. 

Everyone should have the opportunity to know how their body works and the information available to take back control of their health and wellbeing. To play an active role in their wellness journey is key.

DISCLAIMER - This website's health, fitness, and nutrition information is designed for educational and resource purposes only. This information is not a substitute for, nor a replacement for, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Before starting any fitness or nutrition program, you should consult with a physician or other healthcare professional if you have any concerns or questions about your health. Read the full disclaimer here

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